The journey started by filling up my tank(my bike's tank,not literally my tank hehe) at Petronas. Since I saw the fuel was still at half of tank, I decided just to top up for RM3 because I don't want the fuel to be too much.I played my music player and hit the road.
From Tanah Merah to Jeli,the traffic was smooth.Sometimes I had to slow down to increase the volume of music because the sound of the engine was too loud.By doing so,I have to reach my left pocket while my other hand handling the bike,while moving bout 60km/h.Sometimes the handle got shaky when i did that.
The worse was yet to come.The road from the turn I took towards Dabong was awful. Its an old road and rarely fixed.To make it even more challenging,it was raining and I so happened to be not wearing any sweater or rain coat.Mandi free huhu the road was quite slippery and every time I accelerated the bike got shaky again.
When the rain finally stopped,I was really grateful. So I continued the journey happily.Until I reached Kg.Star.This was where my bike starting to act like a crazy horse.When I tried to go faster,the bike went forth and slowed down repeatedly.I was starting to worry because at that moment,the place is kinda a middle of nowhere.I tried to push the bike a little further,at least till I was in more civilized zone.
Alhamdulillah,with my newly transformed 'ride', i reached this small station gas called Petronas huhu(I'm not promoting k hehe) I checked out what was really the problem and it turned out that the bike was out of gas.Lucky me that i stopped at the gas station.
So I filled it up again and with do'a selamat this time,I resumed my journey.There's no problem whatsoeva till I reached home at 6.
Moral of this story are:
1)Pay your road tax
2)Get a new bike if possible
3)Always baca do'a b4 you travel
4)Don't be too stinky to fill up ur tank
So hopefully you guys can learn from my experience huhu this is the road that I've taken