Friday, November 14, 2008

How to make a sweet drink from a sour lemon

Ok,this is not a recipe how to make sirap limau,limau ais or even lemonade. This is just a title to make my post look good.

Let's face it,life is unfair.We're facing a lot of things we don't want to encounter everyday. We always wish that it wont come to us, but that is exactly what it does.This is when we start cursing, feel that everything is so wrong and eventually ruin our mood for the day. And it starts all over again.

Why is this happening?

Problems always seem to be an eyesore.Some extreme people just can't deal with it are willing taking shortcuts through suicides.Others just simply give up.But what usually happen among us is we still deal with it,but after we are weaken by the magnitude of efforts we have to put in order to get through it.

Just because bad things are happening to us doesn't mean life is picking on us.For any difficulties,they are test to prove that we have what it takes to cope with life.To be a better,stronger person.

Before this,we see problems as loopholes through our path,thats why we always fall.Why don't this time,we see it as opportunities,and see where it will lead us to


Anonymous said...

yeah..face ur probs and dunt run away from it!I agree with u dude!Sesungguhnya setiap cubaan dan ujian datangnya dari Allah untuk menguji keimanan hamba-hambanya.=)

Anonymous said...

are you going through a hard time??
its great that you can come out with such an inpiring post...

the obstacles we faced were to make us better when we face the next one...

every cloud has a silver lining =)

dllhsn said...

yes ikram, dont walk away from the troubles in our life. sampai bile pun xde kesudahan.There's good in all things evil,n of coz it is about how we can manipulate tribulations for our own benefits...

Ikram said...

cat:yeah,lets do it the anak jantan's way haha
syafiq:at this exact moment,yeah im having a hard time.Thats why i keep telling myself then sometimes as a mere human,i forgot huhu thats why i put it here =)
dilos;that the way we do it. transforming probz into opportunities

Fairuz Sallehuddin said...

Allah tests Muslims that only He know the Muslim has an effort to face the tests. By the way, i don't get the connection bet ur blog title and this entry. I'm 'lampi', u knw kan;)